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What are some tips for designing a logo?

Here are some excellent tips which I have depended on for over 20 years as a graphic designer:

-Learn composition and layout. This includes creating a read-order and establishing a hierarchy for the elements. It includes proportion and visual rhythm and the interaction of positive and negative space.

-Learn typography. Develop an eye for spotting letterforms that complement the attributes of the logo illustration. Or ones that contrast those attributes in pleasing or arresting ways.

-Learn illustration. Become capable of creating your own custom graphic elements. Don’t rely on fucking free clip art. That is not logo design.

-Learn color theory. This includes techniques for developing color palettes and the basics of color psychology to evoke desired responses from your audience.

-Learn art history. If you want to evoke a particular era, it helps to know what era that is, and how its style is defined.

-Learn print and on-screen production techniques. Don’t create logos that can’t be reproduced faithfully under all necessary conditions.

-Practice all of these skills constantly. There are no substitutes or shortcuts for this. And seek the advice of designers who are more skilled and experienced than you.

In short, the best tip I can give you for designing logos is learn how to design. You can’t become a good logo designer by collecting tips or hacks if you don’t have a solid foundation of design study to build on.

Source: Quora

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